Relationship with SCONUL

Academic Libraries North (ALN) is a regional subgroup of SCONUL. 

SCONUL provides administrative infrastructure and support in the following areas:

  • Financial management, including processing of all financial transactions and supply of income and expenditure reports
  • Employment of ALN Development Manager(s) on behalf of ALN
  • Hosting and continuous support of the ALN website
  • IT support and provision of appropriate packages

In 2014, the Northern Collaboration piloted a new regional group model with SCONUL, in which it paid the SCONUL office for providing administrative infrastructure. The pilot was evaluated by the NC Directors and SCONUL in December 2014, was considered to have worked well for both parties, and was confirmed as a permanent relationship.

In 2016, NoWAL followed the example set by the Northern Collaboration, also becoming a subgroup of SCONUL, operating a similar set of organisational and administrative processes.