Metadata & Linked Data CoP

The Community of Practice was created in September 2021 and is chaired by Kathryn Sullivan (University of Manchester) and Sam Ziesler (Leeds Beckett University).  

Terms of Reference

The CoP aims to meet online 3 times a year, in October, February and June.  

The remit of the Community of Practice is two-fold:

  • To meet with other ALN library metadata practitioners, to exchange practice experiences, learn from each other, and develop best practice, using the group to build a sense of metadata community. Advocating metadata as an institutional asset fit for discovery today and in the future 
  • To help institutions stabilise their metadata practices for the future. Advocating for consistent quality metadata available in the acquisitions supply chain. Sharing best practice to capitalise on developments relating to linked data. 

As well as the importance of a regional voice for the north of England, the plan is for the CoP to link to the CILIP Metadata Discovery Group MDG which is developing and widening its remit to provide training and networking opportunities which benefit from regional CoPs input to ensure inclusivity related to national initiatives, training, guidance, and good practice. The two other regional groups which also exist in support of this are the Mercian Metadata Group and MADSIG SUPC and LUPC Metadata and Discovery SIG