Inter-Library Loans Community of Practice (CoP)

Will Grady
 (Manchester Metropolitan University) and Kenny Whyte (University of York)

To provide an opportunity for Interlibrary Loans practitioners to exchange operational experiences, learn from each other, develop and share best practice, and build a sense of community which facilitates resource sharing within the Academic Libraries North Consortium.  See our Terms of Reference for more information. 

The Inter-library Loans Community of Practice started life as a semi-official sub-group of the Northern Collaboration Collections Development Special Interest Group. Our inaugural meeting was held at Manchester University on 13th September 2019 with 14 universities represented.  We have continued to meet in person or online, about twice a year even through the pandemic, though for obvious reasons the meeting planned for the 23rd March 2020 had to be cancelled!

Last Meeting - 20th May 2022

Minutes/Actions to follow soon